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Yellow Butterfly


Yellow Butterfly
 The butterfly is considered a spirit, a symbol of resurrection, and also a bringer of good luck. Therefore, many spirit animal sign interpreters believe that yellow butterflies symbolize wealth, money, and peace of mind. This beautiful creature expresses prosperity.

Available in Cards, Prints and Canvas | Pricing varies from $4.50-$845.00

| Sizes are listed in the dropdown below. Please carefully select the correct card, print or canvas size that you’re interested in purchasing. Thank You!



Yellow Butterfly
Available cards, prints and canvas sizes are listed. Contact me for further info about custom sizing. *All Sales are Final. No refunds or returns.

Additional information

Dimensions N/A
Artwork Price / Format / Sizes

4×6 cards / $4.50 each, 5×7 cards / $7.50 each, 4×6 box card set @10 / $28.00, 5×7 box card set @10 / $32.00, 8×10 print / $18, 8×10 canvas / $75, 11×14 print / $24, 11×14 canvas / $80, 12×12 print / $28, 12×12 canvas / $88, 12×18 print / $32, 12×24 print / $42, 12×24 canvas / $155, 16×20 print/ $40, 16×20 canvas / $375, 18×24 print / $45, 18×24 canvas / $415, 20×20 canvas / $400, 20×24 print / $55, 20×24 canvas / $425, 20×30 print / $60, 24×30 print / $65, 24×30 canvas / $455, 24×36 print / $78, 24×36 canvas / $475, 24×48 print / $88, 24×48 canvas / $545, 32×32 print / $120, 32×32 canvas / $650, 30×40 print / $130, 30×40 canvas / $725, 32×48 print / $140, 32×48 canvas / $750, 36×48 canvas / $845