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Koi Fish Pond


Magical, Mystical Koi 

Koi or more specifically nishikigoi, are known for their colored varieties of the Amur carp that are kept for decorative purposes in outdoor koi ponds or water gardens. There are many varieties of ornamental koi, originating from breeding that began in Niigata, Japan in the early 19th century.

Available in Cards, Prints and Canvas

| All sizes are listed below under the dropdown menu. Please carefully select your purchase items under card’s, print ‘s or canvas. You may add up to 3 selections of a canvas and a total selection of 9 prints (in various sizes) to your final checkout. Thank you for your purchase!

SKU: 061 Category: Tags: , , , ,


Koi Fish Pond
| Available cards, prints and canvas sizes are listed. Contact me for further info about custom sizing.

Additional information

Weight 5 lbs
Dimensions 30 × 20 × 40 in
Artwork Price / Format / Sizes

4×6 cards / $4.50 each, 5×7 cards / $7.50 each, 4×6 box card set @10 / $28.00, 5×7 box card set @10 / $32.00, 8×10 print / $18, 8×10 canvas / $75, 11×14 print / $24, 11×14 canvas / $80, 12×12 print / $28, 12×12 canvas / $88, 12×18 print / $32, 12×24 print / $42, 12×24 canvas / $155, 16×20 print/ $40, 16×20 canvas / $375, 18×24 print / $45, 18×24 canvas / $415, 20×20 canvas / $400, 20×24 print / $55, 20×24 canvas / $425, 20×30 print / $60, 24×30 print / $65, 24×30 canvas / $455, 24×36 print / $78, 24×36 canvas / $475, 24×48 print / $88, 24×48 canvas / $545, 32×32 print / $120, 32×32 canvas / $650, 30×40 print / $130, 30×40 canvas / $725, 36×48 canvas / $845

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